Borbála Fellegi and Zsuzsanna Z. Papp held a workshop titled „Restorative Methods in Education” at an international conference organized by the International Association for Intercultural Education and ELTE PPK Centre for Intercultural Psychology and Education. The five day conference with the title „Mobilities, Transitions, Transformations – Intercultural Education at Crossroads” attracted educators and researchers from all over the world with the aim to discuss and share research results, best practices and common challenges in the field culture and... |
Source: http://www.migraciokutato.hu/hu/2016/06/06/preventing-violent-radicalisation/ The Migration Research Institute and the National University of Public Service held a workshop on preventing violent... |
The European Forum for Restorative Justice is organising its biannual conference entitled 'Realising Restorative Justice - Human Rights and Personal Realities'. More information: www.euforumrj.org/events/leiden/ |
From 2011 to 2013, five partners (CY-DE-ES-FR-TR) proposed ESM project based on the education of sentenced minors. Partners observed that the situation at the end of the sentence escaped from any protocol and /or coaching process which led the youth quickly to reproduce crimes so to enrol them in a "career of recidivism" and go back to an institution where sometimes violence makes them recognized and accepted as leaders (although it can be negatively ignored by their family for the same reasons). Partners then agreed that a number of factors observed during this two years period will need to be explored through studies, research and investigations leading to come to operational recommendations.
Some partners from the initial project decided to continue their work proposing ESM-YA (sentenced Young Adults too) for 2015/2016 and expanding partnership that integrates complementary missions (probation service, centres for social work, charity NGO for ex-prisoners) so to be able at any time of... |
Students have their time at the micophone every Friday at the "Houseguest" programme of the Hungarian national radio Kossuth. In this sub-programme called "Crossroads" it is them, who create the programme, invite the guests, with whom they then talk on air. Dr. Borbála Fellegi was one such guest in the 2016. 02.05. airing of the programme. This installment of the show featured a specific, Foresee facilitated case from a school as the starting point and had the students and Foresee's executive discussing topics like respect, restorative techniques, mediation, and the role of the community in resolving conflicts. The student-anchors... |
Budapest hosted the next international workshop of the Deradicalisation Working Group of Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN), an EU initiative to bring together first-line practitioners working to counter violent extremism and foster disengagement processes. The event hosted 17 practitioners from Germany, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, England and Hungary for two days. Foresee Research Group was represented by Zsuzsanna Z. Papp. On the first day of the meeting, practitioners worked on ’RAN Derad Declaration of Good Practice’, a draft document that... |
Invited by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Foresee research Group together with Focus and Inhall Studio carried out a research about the reintegration of inmates. The research featured focus groups, interviews and surveys.
During the project, 45 inmates and 35 penal institution workers took part in a roughly 2 hour long interview each, and around 500 inmates filled out surveys. |
Foresee sought MoHR's support to test a modelprogram in the Rákospalota Correctional Institute and Special Children Care Home in relation to mediation as a preliminary method to correctional penalties being intoduced in the new Penal Execution Codex. The Institute is special in the sense that it houses juveniles both in pre-trial detention and in correctional education. As a result, both the everyday relations and the institutional co-existence lead to different conflicts and different solutions in communication. Part of the institute staff has... |
On the 6th and 7th of November 2014 Foresee Research Group in cooperation with the Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology (IRKS), Austria organised a workshop „Potentials in Peacemaking” – Conflict resolution in intercultural setting in the CEE region.
The aim of the workshop was to present the preliminary findings of the action research applied in Kakucs village as part of the ALTERNATIVE project (Restorative justice in intercultural settings -... |
This video has been created by the Foresee Research group (Hungary) in collaboration with the European Forum for Restorative Justice and funded by the Criminal Justice Programme of the European... |
International workshop presenting the preliminary findings of the Hungarian and Austrian action research sites in the ALTERNATIVE project A critical dialogue about the potential of restorative justice approaches (RJ) to peaceful co-existence in intercultural contexts in the CEE region on 6-7 November 2014 in Budapest, Hungary. Thinking out Loud about Justice and Security The conference is organised by the Foresee Research Group in partnership with the Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology (IRKS), within the framework of the |
Dr. Borbála Fellegi and Gabriella Benedek held a daylong, interactive training in English for jurists from several countires representing the European Roma Rights Centre on the 4th of August, 2014. Other than introducing the audiance to restorative justice and alternative dispute resolution, the training's aim was to provide an interactive process in which participants learn through personal experience and reflection about the dynamics and possible implementation of peaceful conflict... |
For more than a year now, Foresee Research Group has been part of the series of events organized by the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN). This time the meeting aimed to continue the involvement of field practitioners and non-governmental organizations from new member states from the Eastern and Southern European region and bring them together with old members in order to exchange experience, share good practices and network. The conference took place on 17 and 18 July, 2014 in Sofia, Bulgaria involving 25 representatives of Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Poland, Hungary, Ireland, UK, Germany and Sweden. Foresee Research Group was represented by Zsuzsanna Z. Papp. |
Workshop for the Hungarian Society of Criminology Dr. Borbala Fellegi and Erika Magyar presented “Observations in applied pace-making circles model in Hungary” on the 3rd of June 2014. They were talking about the experiences of the two-year-long pilot project - run between 2011-2013 - in which three county’s judicial mediators in... |
The Hungarian Helsinki Committee conducted a research, entitled: „Last Among Equals – The equality before the law of vulnerable groups in the criminal justice system”. The project’s objective was to examine whether in its present form the Hungarian justice system guarantees the equality before the law of Roma and non-Roma defendants. Based on the criminal case files, the penitentiary documentation, the inmates’ own experience and the penitentiary staffs’ opinion... |