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2010. 06. 08

The practical excercises and principal lectures about the basic ideas, methods and possible application fields of mediation initiated the audience into new opportunities of conflict resolution with special emphasis on the state and results of reconciliative approach in the Central Eastern European region.

The two weeks long international training organised by the partnerhip of the Central European University, the Hamline University School of Law and the Benjamin Cardozo School of Law between the 7-18th June lined up a number of international professionals such as Lela Love, Joseph Stulberg, Petra...

2010. 05. 19

The lectures of a regional professional conference in Székesfehérvár gave a general picture about restorative justice, the importance and possibilities of its wide range application.

Supporting restorative approach Green Apple Health Development Foundation presented the actual situation, opportunities and practical experience of restorative justice to a number of...

2010. 05. 18

Due to the changings of the past years a new model of approach has become necessary in the Hungarian penal institutions as well. Foresee Research Group is participating in the achievment of this goal with several parallel programs.

2010. 05. 17

Continuing a series of lectures after "Question and answers or education programs against poverty" professionals gathered to reflect on the problems of poverty and to trace potencial ways out.

The invited guests of a professional conference organized by the Institute for Social Policy and Labour shared their experience...

2010. 05. 11

The new section has been needed for a while since restorative approach had been successfully accepted in several fields of justice policy (crime prevention, victim support etc.) in the past years. Restorative methods are becoming more well known and sought also due to the devoted work of Hunagrian criminology.

By the foundation of this new specific seminar the Hungarian Society of Criminology aims to continue its work towards providing space to co-operation between professionals of crime and crime prevention as well as to a neccessary change in approach. Under the leading of chairman Dr. Erzsébet...

2010. 05. 07

Foresee Research Group provided programs and translation for the Hungarian stop of the European tour. During this trip the students visited police, jurisdiction and different criminal institutions in Vienna, Budapest, Zagreb, Sarajevo and Ljubljana. The yalso participated in several lectures of well experienced international professionals concerning crime prevention, victim support and juvenile crime.

Between 5-6th May the tour's participants visited the Metropolitan Court of Budapest, the

2010. 04. 15

The conference examining children's rights in Hungary was organized to prepare the 2011 general report on human rights for UN. Governmental and independent experts participated in the professional meeting presenting different approaches and suggesting alternative solutions.

The meeting set up by the Department of International Organizations and Human Rights of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerned the following topics: domestic violence, segregation, youth delinquency, and the opportunities of socially disabled children.

Foresee Reasearch Group's manager dr....

2010. 04. 13

The two-day conference in Slovakia gathered the professionals of all Central-Eastern-European countries in order to give report about the situation, success and actual questions of mediation according to their own experience. The lectures emphasized the psychological, ethical and crime preventional aspects of restorative techniques while some of them even referred to the special theological relations of this method.

As the only Hungarian lecturer of the conference under the presidency of Jana Levická dr. Borbála Fellegi talked about mediation in ethnic-based conflicts through presenting one of Foresee Research Group's successful projects ("Community mediation in Nagybörzsöny").

After having an...

2010. 02. 02

The 6th International Conference of the European Forum for Restorative Justice will take place from 17 until 19 June 2010 in Bilbao (Spain). As this conference marks the 10th anniversary of the Forum this is an ideal opportunity to look back at restorative justice practices developed so far and to look forward to new practices, possibilities and opportunities.

The conference will cover three main themes: 1) The work of practitioners (mediators and facilitators), 2) Cooperation with legal practitioners, 3) Conferencing. More information and the full programme of the conference can be found

2009. 12. 08

International practice of mediation was presented by the participants of the two-day conference in order to help future methodical, juridical and institutional development in Poland. The program's basic idea was international co-operation between mediators from all over Europe.

As the only Hungarian participant of the conference Foresee Research Group particularly stressed the realtions to be built between Central Europen countries and the Polish Ministry of Justice. The...

2010. 11. 01

[Translate to English:] 2009. december 4-én, dr. Fellegi Borbála a Kiskunhalasi Városi Bíróságon, rendőrök, igazságügyi tisztviselők, ügyészek és bírák számára tartott előadást „Út a megbékéléshez” című, a közelmúltban megjelent könyve kapcsán a közvetítői eljárásról.

[Translate to English:] Az "Út a megbékéléshez" c. kötet kapcsán felmerült, hogy a szemléletváltás, a társadalompolitika és büntetőpolitika összehangolásának...

2009. 09. 22

Between 21st and 27th of September 2009 in 17 countries – including Hungary- several hundreds of events arranged by civil and local organizations drew attention to the importance of civil involvement and local acts.

Youth was one of the key topics of this year series of events. The „Children In Live” World café-talking organized by Foresee Research Group was the closing programme of the week. Subjects like self-esteem, involvement and possibilities of realization of democracy in schools were discussed in small...

2009. 06. 10

The number of ethnic-based conflicts has been drastically increasing in Hungary, mostly against Roma people. Recognising it as a serious problem, we in Foresee Research Group have just finished a three-month-long experimental project funded by the National Crime Prevention Board, Hungary, by which we combined community building and mediation methods in a small Hungarian village. We provided several training (tolerance, mediation and a so-called implementation training), group activities for children, young mothers, local volunteers and ADR services where the trained local people participated as co-mediators besides our team’s mediators.

The number of ethnic-based conflicts has been drastically increasing in Hungary, mostly against Roma people. Recognising it as a serious problem, we in Foresee Research Group have just finished a three-month-long experimental project funded by the

2008. 10. 18

The TV programme is available here ('további TV-k' - 'Strucc TV' - 'Naptár' - '10)

Eszter Hajdú and Balázs Gál are making a documentary film with people, whose relationships - after the...

2008. 02. 11

Foresee Research Group gave a three days training in co-operation with Partners Hungary Association, Central Office of Justice and Dr. Péter Téglás (prosecutor of Kiskunhalas) organized by the Crime Prevention Academy.

Within the framework of the Crime Prevention Academy together with Dr. Tibor Kertész (Partners Hungary Foundation), Dr. Edit Törzs (