On the 18th of March, Foresee’s experts held a presentation on the peacemaking circle technique, followed by a roleplay of a peacemaking circle in an actual felony (a theft), where the judges played the victims, perpetrators, supporters and experts as well based on rolecards, featuring nearly 20 judges from first and second degree. Dr. Tünde Barabás, Head of Department at the national Institute of Criminology held a presentation with the title: “Restorative techniques, realization of victim rights”. |
A lecture and a workshop, with the above title, were held by Borbála Fellegi, the founder of Foresee Research Group at the 4-days meeting of the European Network of Trainers for Nonviolence and Resilience of Young people (E.N.T.R.Y.) on the 7th of March 2014. E.N.T.R.Y., that is founded by the Grundtvig programme, aims to encourage the establishment of international expert networks that are able to draw attention to the problem of violence and... |
Dr. Borbála Fellegi represented Foresee with a presentation about the ways of peacful conflict resolution, the power of forgiveness for individuals and communities, the results of the ALTERNATIVE project, and Foresee itself on an international workshop held in Stockholm. The conference, held on the 12th of February 2014, giving place to speeches held by leaders of organizations that work to prevent violence and harm caused by extremist movements, saw more than 20 attendees, with an overseas participant from Canada also attending. Welcome speeches were held by... |
Foresee’s expert, Gabriella Benedek held a presentation on the ALTERNATIVE project on the High Profile Workshop of the COREPOL project also funded by the FP7. The workshop, held at Budapest saw nearly thirty Hungarian and international expert guests from the fields of police, justice and social studies. COREPOL uses a comparative design (Germany, Austria, Hungary) to establish whether better police - minority relations can be achieved through means of a Restorative Justice (RJ) approach. The Budapest... |
Dr. Borbála Fellegi held a presentation entitled "Seeing the person " – The possible implementation of peaceful conflict resolution methods (mediation and restorative techniques) in victim support on the workshop organized within the framework of the joint VictimSupport Programme of the Municipality of Zugló and the Trainbrand of Zugló. In her presentation, Foresee’s executive introduced the restorative attitude, the main restorative models, and, speaking about the practice she also made mention of their ideal timing and placement, together with the main common items and standards. Proving the efficiency with data from actual... |
This Handbook is the first manual that provides guidance to how to facilitate peacemaking circles in the European context, especially in continental legal systems.
The full text of the Handbook can be freely downloaded in pdf format from this link. This publication is... |
On the 18th of November, 2013. Foresee’s experts participated in the daylong training organized by the Hungarian Judicial Academy for 22 judges, bearing the title „Mediation procedure in the light of the law – criminal phase” The participants saw presentations about the place of mediation in the legal system, the opportunities of mediation is midemeanor cases as seen by the police and about mediation in traffic offense cases as seen by a prosecutor. The presentations were held by Prof. Katalin Gönczöl, Dr. Ildikó... |
The European Society of Criminology held its annual conference entitled „Beyond Punitiveness: Crime and Crime Control in Europe in a Comparative Perspective.” in Budapest between the 4th and 7th of September 2013. The conference mainly focused on what factors influence the trends in crime control and actual policymaking mechanisms in various countries. The conference, organized on the Law Faculty of ELTE and chaired by Prof. Miklós Lévay and Prof. Katalin Gönczöl, saw three presentations from Foresee’s experts. |
On the 1st of August, two Foresee trainers, Gabriella Benedek and Borbála Fellegi held a training session for an international group of practicing mediators, as on day of a five day long summer school training program. The training, as the Summer School itself, has been organized within the framework of the ALTERNATIVE project. |
The Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) Deradicalisation Conference took place in the lovely city of Ljubljana with the participation of 25 experts from 14 countries (Austria, Bosnia and Herzcegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, UK ) representing 20 non-governmental and governmental organisations and universities including Zsuzsanna Z. Papp from Foresee Research Group. RAN is set up by the European Commission as an EU wide umbrella network of practitioners and local actors involved in countering violent radicalisation and extremism with the aim of exchanging experiences, knowledge and good practices The main working mode of the two-day meeting took the form of interactive workshops that provided a good ground for exchange of information, inspirational dialogues and a great possibility to network. |
Dr. Borbála Fellegi held a presentation on the „An Overview of Judicial Mediation” conference organized at Kőszeg on the 14th and 15th of June, 2013 supported by Hungary’s National Judicial Office as chief patron. The conference was organized by the “Judges for Mediation” Association, and the Hungarian Section of GEMME. The judicial mediation conference saw more than 150 guests, as well as an opening speech by Tünde Handó, President of Hungary’s National Judicial Office, and the presenters, coming from all across Europe held presentations introducing all aspects of mediation be it geographical, professional, or... |
The general objective of the project “Best Practices of Community Conflict Management in the Central Eastern European Region” (hereinafter referred to as GPCCM-REG) was to create a methodological and practical guide to local practitioners of the EU Member States, in which they would be able to find helpful instructions on how to plan, fund and implement programmes aiming at community conflicts prevention and/or management. Based on research findings, a distinction can be made between Member States of the Central Eastern European region and Western European region on the grounds of (apart from other characteristics) value dimensions and community organisation aspects. Due to historical reasons, one... |
The final meeting of the lifelong learning Grundtvig project REDICT (’Resolving Disputes in the 21th Century’) has been organised by Foresee Research Group from 13th to 15th May 2013 in Budapest. The report was written by: Eszter Posch and Kitti Salamon On 13th May afternoon the partners attended a Danube boat trip, after which they closed the day with a ‘meeting-opener’ diner that has become a project ritual. On the next day Foresee organised an international conference in partnership with the National Institute of Criminology including 3... |
“New solution comes to life when traditional ones seem helpless with handling problems” Klára Kerezsi. Foresee Research Group in partnership with the National Institute of Criminology organised the conference, entitled “The Face Behind the Hate” at the National Institute of Criminology (OKRI) in Budapest on 14th May 2013.
The report was written by: Erika Mercz
“This workshop intended to make a link between professionals dealing with peaceful conflict resolution techniques, on the one hand, and with the issue of radicalisation and hate crimes, on the other. During the interactive day the attempt was to think loudly and collectively on the above-raised... |
Dr. Borbála Fellegi Borbála was one of the invited presenters on the conference that took place between 9th and 12th of May 2013. in Gdansk. The four day-long conference was co-organized by the Criminology department of the University of Greifswald and the |