The number of ethnic-based conflicts has been drastically increasing in Hungary, mostly against Roma people. Recognising it as a serious problem, we in Foresee Research Group have just finished a three-month-long experimental project funded by the National Crime Prevention Board, Hungary, by which we combined community building and mediation methods in a small Hungarian village. We provided several training (tolerance, mediation and a so-called implementation training), group activities for children, young mothers, local volunteers and ADR services where the trained local people participated as co-mediators besides our team’s mediators.
As results of the project, there were several successful mediations, the community cohesion has been significantly strengthened according to the local people, and there is now a group of freshly trained and committed local people, who are willing to help their community as mediators and to volunteer in other community-based actions.
Also, we have made a 15 min film, "WE also exist", directed by Eszter Hajdú, that you can watch with English subtitle from here:
Feel free to disseminate the link of the film to your colleagues.
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