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What makes a dialogue constructive vs destructive? - our recent publication about dialogue processes between victims and offenders

2017. 02. 04.


Z. Zsuzsanna Papp, psychologist, Dóra Szegő sociologist and Borbala Fellegi criminologist published a joint article in English in a Hungarian peer reviewed journal, in Applied Psychology analysing the different dialogue processes between victims and offenders, based on the Peacemaking Circles project of Foresee.

Based on our empirical research on conducted peacemaking circles in criminal cases in Hungary we not only analyse the needs of victims and offenders, but also on parties of any conflict or harmful behaviour.

Qualitative data, content analysis and discussion is on what makes a communication process constructive vs. destructive generally, in tense situations.

The article can be read in English in the Journal of Alkalmazott Pszichológia (Applied Psychology) 16(4) and available from here

For referencing:

Z. Papp Zs., Fellegi B., Szegő D. (2016), Constructive and destructive dialogues between victims and offenders: Testing the Needs-Based Model of Reconciliation in a restorative justice setting. Alkalmazott Pszichológia (Applied Psychology), 16(4):93–112.

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