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Research and network building within the "Civil Strategies in Magdolna District" project

2009. 10. 12.


The "Civil Strategies in Magdolna district" project coordinated by the Green Youth Association (ZöFi) aims to harmonize the planned activities of civil organizations involved in the Magdolna district's Social City-rehabilitation Program, in order to allow them to work together efficiently in a long term with different profiles but for the same purpose.

The main goal beyond forming real partnership is the integration of the disadvantaged Magdolna-district into Budapest's social-cultural life; strengthening the local community, providing information about the civil organizations' services, promoting inhabitants in changing their living conditions and standing for their own interest towards decision-makers and wider publicity.

Foresee Research Group's task is measuring and analyzing social capability and demand with special regards to the district's present civil activity and surveying the organization's inner capacity, possibilities and necessities. In this phase of the program the civils' so far experienced difficulties, the inhabitants' and workers' demands and neccesities, the future strategical aims will be illuminated by interviews with the associates of these organizations.


The research results will be evaluated with the participation of ZöFi and all partners' representatives then thouroughly discussed within two focus groups. This opens the opprtunity for the co-operating civil organizations to build up the startegical goals and achieve them together. The results of the program also prepare the civil strategy-improving project co-ordinated by Sun Club Foundation.

Our partners:

Kapocs Alapítvány,
Kesztyűgyár Közösségi Ház
Muro Phral Roma – Magyar Baráti Egyesület
Nap Klub Alapítvány
Négy Ház a Magdolna-negyedben Egyesület
Oltalom Alapítvány
RÉV8 - Józsefvárosi Rehabilitációs és Városfejlesztési Zrt.
Szigony Alapítvány

The final treatise of the project can be downloaded from here.

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