Foresee’s consultancy services range from pre-evaluation of situations through framing detailed diagnoses to the design of relevant strategy and a set of activities. With their comprehensive expertise, Foresee’s consultants can help with evaluation and a detailed exploration of problematic situations. Always mindful of the diagnosis, we develop service plans tailored to our partners’ needs.
Article by Dóra Szegő, Researcher of the Foresee Research Group According to the statistics, in Hungary on an average three women are killed by their partners in a month. Since the IMPRODOVA research has started (May 2018), several fatal domestic violence (DV)... |
Between 21st and 27th of September 2009 in 17 countries – including Hungary- several hundreds of events arranged by civil and local organizations drew attention to the importance of civil involvement and local acts. Youth was one of the key topics of this year series of events. The „Children In Live” World café-talking organized by Foresee Research Group was the closing programme of the week. Subjects like self-esteem, involvement and possibilities of realization of democracy in schools were discussed in small... |
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime invited professionals of 16 countries in order to accomplish the publishable version of the UN handbook draft on restorative justice. The Hungarian delegate was dr. Borbála Fellegi, the manager of Foresee Research Group. The issue is supposed to support and provide practical help to the states when implementing and applying the criminal law reform. Overviewing every aspect of the draft version written by Yvon Dandurand (University College of the Fraser Valley) and Curt Griffiths (School of Criminology at the Simon Fraser University) gave... |