Within PACR model program Foresee carries out a diagnostic and follow-up research in PACR partner schools. Prior to and following the local trainings activities aim to map out conflict management approach, methods, processes of schools and to evaluate the success of implementation of PACR program. In cooperation with the partner schools and following the previous cross-checks of concept and research schedule conflicts (physical and verbal aggression; theft; abuse; excommunication; racism etc.) and their reasons (family; peers; media; education and child security systems) are surveyed through... |
Between 21st and 27th of September 2009 in 17 countries – including Hungary- several hundreds of events arranged by civil and local organizations drew attention to the importance of civil involvement and local acts. Youth was one of the key topics of this year series of events. The „Children In Live” World café-talking organized by Foresee Research Group was the closing programme of the week. Subjects like self-esteem, involvement and possibilities of realization of democracy in schools were discussed in small... |
The team training held by Foresee Research Group for the tutors of Crime Prevention Academy aimed to define the route of future activities through sharing professional experience, brainstorming and conciliating expectations. The Educational Network consists of theoretically prepaired and practically experienced professionals who would like to facilitate inland crime prevention by adding their empirical observations on child support, victim support, drug crimes etc. The meeting's main goal was to mobilize the network... |
In March 2009 a three years long international European Union project started with the leadership of Foresee Research Group to map and test restorative methods applied in prison service. Hungarian, English, German and Belgian partners participate in the program. In the course of the project partner organizations carry out a meausing of attitudes towards restorative techniques among prisoners, victims, politicians and prison service employees. Following this an experimental mediation program will provide opportunity for victim-offender mediation, adaptation... |
The number of ethnic-based conflicts has been drastically increasing in Hungary, mostly against Roma people. Recognising it as a serious problem, we in Foresee Research Group have just finished a three-month-long experimental project funded by the National Crime Prevention Board, Hungary, by which we combined community building and mediation methods in a small Hungarian village. We provided several training (tolerance, mediation and a so-called implementation training), group activities for children, young mothers, local volunteers and ADR services where the trained local people participated as co-mediators besides our team’s mediators. The number of ethnic-based conflicts has been drastically increasing in Hungary, mostly against Roma people. Recognising it as a serious problem, we in Foresee Research Group have just finished a three-month-long experimental project funded by the |
Hungary is suffering of a large number of ethnic-based conflicts of which the majority involves Roma people. Recognising it as a serious problem, Foresee Research Group, together with its numerous consortium partners, ran an experimental project in 2009 funded by the Hungarian Crime Prevention Committee.
The project combined community building and different ADR (alternative dispute resolution) methods in a small rural Hungarian village. Throughout the project we provided training for the local people, including: ‘tolerance’, ‘mediation’ and a so-called ‘implementation training’, namely how to... |
The TV programme is available here ('további TV-k' - 'Strucc TV' - 'Naptár' - '10) Eszter Hajdú and Balázs Gál are making a documentary film with people, whose relationships - after the... |
Foresee Research Group gave a three days training in co-operation with Partners Hungary Association, Central Office of Justice and Dr. Péter Téglás (prosecutor of Kiskunhalas) organized by the Crime Prevention Academy. Within the framework of the Crime Prevention Academy together with Dr. Tibor Kertész (Partners Hungary Foundation), Dr. Edit Törzs ( |
Together with Dr. Veronika Dénes (Pest District Court), Dr. Attila Stummer (Pest District Court), Dr. Edit Törzs (Central Office of Justice) and Drienyivszki János (Office of Justice, Budapest) we gave a half day training in mediation at the Hungarian Judicial Academy for young judges coming from... |
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime invited professionals of 16 countries in order to accomplish the publishable version of the UN handbook draft on restorative justice. The Hungarian delegate was dr. Borbála Fellegi, the manager of Foresee Research Group. The issue is supposed to support and provide practical help to the states when implementing and applying the criminal law reform. Overviewing every aspect of the draft version written by Yvon Dandurand (University College of the Fraser Valley) and Curt Griffiths (School of Criminology at the Simon Fraser University) gave... |