Dr. Borbala Fellegi and Erika Magyar presented “Observations in applied pace-making circles model in Hungary” on the 3rd of June 2014. They were talking about the experiences of the two-year-long pilot project - run between 2011-2013 - in which three county’s judicial mediators in collaboration with the experts of Foresee Research Group organized and led off peace-making circles in 18 criminal cases referred to mediation service.
In the second part of the presentation it was possible to go through again an occurred case in the framework of roleplay.
Restorative Justice Committee of Hungarian Society of Criminology organized, ELTE Law Faculty hosted the event.
The audience presented themselves in wide range - lawyers, judges, police officers, probation officers, penitentiary leader, mediators - so complex and comprehensive picture was given of different viewpoints based on the feedback from representatives of various fields. The role-play gave the opportunity to get to know ‘the other side’- mediator in victim’s role or probation officer in offender’s side - so experiencing operating peacemaking circle gave important confirmations and conclusions to the whole group and in the same time to the players personally. Clearly emphasized were the importance of communication, connectedness, unit, trust, cooperation, love and listening. One of the most important conclusions was that the method has important place and role in criminal cases.
Written by Erika Mercz.

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